The main focus of this consultation is to get peoples' views on the potential locations for the new housing development we need to accommodate over the next 20 years.
When finalised, the Local Plan Part One will set out NFDCs planning strategy, strategic policies and key development sites for the period 2016 to 2036 covering the district area outside of the New Forest National Park. There will be further opportunities to comment on the Local Plan in the summer of 2017. Find out more about our timetable in our Local Development Scheme - April 2016 [655kb].
For more information and a summary overview
- Local Plan Review 2016-2036 Initial Proposals consultation summary [652kb].
- FAQ Local Plan Consultation 2016 [336kb].
- View our presentation to district councillors [3Mb].
Download the Draft Local Plan
- Local Plan Review 2016-2036 (full document) [9Mb] Part One: Planning Strategy - Initial Proposals for public consultation (full document)
How to respond, find out more or contact us
Complete our short Local Plan Review Online consultation survey
Submit more detailed comments using our downloadable Consultation response form [73kb] by email to:[email protected] or by post to:
Policy and Plans Team,
New Forest District Council,
Appletree Court,
Beaulieu Road,
Hampshire SO43 7PA.
Tel. 023 8028 5538
Site promoters
In the interests of transparency council officers will not be entering into any detailed site discussions during the public consultation period.
NFDC request that the promoters of sites in the consultation document respond to confirm the following
Whether or not the land owner(s) involved would agree to make their land available for development, if the site was allocated.
That land requirements to mitigate the recreational impacts of the development proposed on the New Forest Natura 2000 sites are under the control of the site promoter. Details of this should be outlined.
When it is realistically envisaged housing could be delivered, allowing for prior minerals extraction where there is commercially viable resource.
The Council also suggest that site promoters consider making a start on preparing or commissioning the necessary technical investigations and assessments
For any proposed additional strategic sites please complete a Sites submission form
Drop-in sessions
Drop-in sessions were held at Totton, Fordingbridge and Lymington. View the display here:
- Part 1 Site Appraisal.
- Part 2 Possible Strategic Housing Sites.
- Part 3 Green Belt Study and other issues.
For more information
See our supporting documents and emerging evidence base.
The closing date for comments is 16 September 2016 (4pm)